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Parish School of Religion


First Penance and First Eucharist

First Penance and Eucharist Sacrament Preparation

First Penance and Eucharist typically take place in second grade. If your child is older and wishes to receive these sacraments, please set up an appointment with Kim Krueger.

First Sacrament Policies

At Good Shepherd and in the Catholic Church, we value community life and seek to foster the family life, which is the foundation of the church. The Family is the foundation of catechesis and is strengthened by the Sacraments. Typically First Penance and First Eucharist are received in 2nd grade. In order to begin the sacramental process, the following should be observed:

  1. If the child has not been baptized at Good Shepherd, a copy of their baptismal certificate should be on file at Good Shepherd.

  2. Attendance in PSR in the current school year and the prior school year must be at least half (50%). If the child attended a different school/PSR program the year prior, then their attendance there will be taken into account. Attendance at a Catholic school is also taken into account. (I.E. a child should have attended at least half of their 1st grade year in order to begin sacrament prep in 2nd grade.)

We utilize the blessed by dynamic catholic Sacrament books for class and at home as needed. While the child should be in PSR classes on Sundays, we believe that the family is the foundation of the church, so sacramental prep takes place within the home. We offer lesson planning assistance.

If your child is older than second Grade and needs to begin sacrament prep, please contact Kim so that we can discuss your family's needs. Some older children may need to utilize a different sacrament process within the church.

From the 2nd Grade Catechists:

The students in 2nd grade are preparing for their first Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist.  Everything written in the handbook applies regarding attendance, make-up lessons, the Circle of Grace sessions, drop-off and pick-up, dismissal, etc.  Some additional information is pertinent regarding your child. 

In addition to the regular lessons from the “Finding God” series, and the home lessons for sacramental preparation, we ask that your child learn the following prayers by memory:  “The Sign of The Cross”, “The Lord’s Prayer”, “The Hail Mary”, “The Trinity Prayer”, “An Act of Contrition”, “The Guardian Angel Prayer”, and “ The Bless Me Father”.


The children will have an occasional homework assignment. When they return it the following week they will get extra credit, (a star on the star chart). They will be given a star each time they come to class “on time” and each time they return homework. Each time that they accumulate 5 stars, they will get to choose a cool pencil from the pencil basket. Homework will be accepted the week after it is sent home. If for some reason your child is absent, we will give them the extra credit the next time they attend class.  If a child has completed the assignment and it has been lost or destroyed, but a parent or guardian is aware and informs us that the student did complete the lesson. The student will receive the extra credit.


The children will receive progress reports often. These will inform you of the prayers your child knows and the prayers that he/she may need to pay special attention too.  Anything EXTREMELY important, we will tell you in person, call, mail or e-mail.


The children will have review testing of the final test throughout the year. Please study with them often at home. You will find a copy of the final test below. We pre-test frequently and will send the results home with your child. The final test is an Oral Test and is in the spring. We will test the children on their prayers often. After they have learned all 7 prayers required, they will receive a special award.

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