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Good Shepherd is located in Smithville, Missouri, 10 miles north of Kansas City on US Hwy 169.  We are a parish with 1363 members/459 registered active families. 

Weekend Mass Times: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 7:30am and 10:30am

Confession Times:   Saturday 4:30-4:45pm

Click on the heading above to visit our planned giving webpage to learn more about making a gift with your stock and investment options.

Click on the heading above to see a list of parish committees and organizations, with their contact information.

Click on the heading above for a list of our parish staff and contact information.

Click on the heading above and return to the homepage where you will be able to fill out and submit an online registration form. Feel free to stop by the parish office and request a welcome packet.  We would love to meet you and answer any questions you may have!

Click on the heading above to see our weekly bulletins

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